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Friday, December 8, 2023

Friday's Photo: Margaret Louisa Ireland Giddens of NC (See her Mourning Clothes at the North Carolina Museum of History)

Margaret Louisa Ireland Giddens was born in Duplin County*, North Carolina, on 22 November 1842. Her parents were Samuel Ross Ireland and Elizabeth "Eliza" Newton. Margaret married Lewis Devereux Giddens, the son of David Giddens and Sophia Britt. They were the parents of twelve children, four of whom died in infancy. 

Margaret was a member of St. Paul's Church in Goldsboro, Wayne County, North Carolina, and was president of the Ladies' Aid Society for many years. 

Lewis died on 2 November 1909. Mourning clothes Margaret wore after his death were donated to the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh. You can view these items by clicking on the link. 

Margaret died on 15 February 1915 and is buried with her husband in the Willowdale Cemetery in Goldsboro. 

*Records conflict as to the location of her birth. Some sources state she was born in Duplin County, and others say Sampson County. She was born at the family home called "Erin Home," which is said to have been near Faison. 

If you want to know more about the families I research, click here to like my Facebook page, where you will see each post and other genealogical finds. 


© 2023 

Arthur Fountain Smoot, "Giddens: History of Family and Oldest Store," Mary Daniels Johnstone, coordinator, History of Wayne County, North Carolina (Winston-Salem, 1982), p. 189. 

kgrijfh, "Ryan", private tree, Ancestry, Private tree accessed with permission, 7 December 2023.

Margaret Ireland Giddens obituary, Raleigh Christian Advocate (North Carolina), 18 March 1915, p.12. A digital copy was found in the files of Diana Quinn. The original database is unknown. 

"Margaret Louisa Ireland Giddens," photograph, 1914; scanned image, original photograph from the privately-held collection of Kathryn Ryan, NC, 2022.

Search Results for Giddens, North Carolina Museum of History ( : accessed 7 December 2023).

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Remembering Pearl Harbor - 2023

I imagine that this was how Dad witnessed the attack as the caption on this
photo is View of Pearl Harbor, Navy Yard from a site near Mobile Base
Hospital #2 during Japanese attack, Dec. 7 1941

There was much in the news today, but remembering Pearl Harbor was not one of them. I checked several online news outlets and found only one article, Date of infamy: A look back at the Pearl Harbor attack in The Virginian-Pilot, written by Kurt Snibbe of the Orange County Register. 

Pearl Harbor was bombed 82 years ago today. My father, Whit Criswell Bryan, was almost 21 years old when he witnessed this attack. According to Snibbe's article, the attack lasted about 90 minutes. In all, there were 2,403 U.S. casualties and over 1,000 wounded. 

Dad was stationed at the Mobile Naval Hospital #2  in the Territory
of Hawaii on his 21st birthday (21 December 1941). He remained
at that duty station until 1943.

If you want to know more about the families I research, click here to like my Facebook page, where you will see each post and other genealogical finds. 


© 2023 

Kurt Snibbe,"Date of infamy: A look back at the Pearl Harbor attack," The Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk, VA), 6 Dec 2023, Pilot-Online   ( accessed 7 December 2023).

“Photograph of View of Pearl Harbor Navy Yard from a Site Near Mobile Base Hospital #2, 12/07/1941”; General Photographic Files; General Records of the Department of the Navy, Record Group 80; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD [online version, National Archives and Records Administration, accessed 7 December 2023). 

Whit Criswell Bryan, photograph, 1940s; scanned image, from the privately held photo collection of Diana Bryan Quinn, Virginia Beach, VA, 2023. 

Friday, December 1, 2023

Friday's Photo: The Tom Maddrey Family

I suspect this Tom Maddrey family photo, from the Frye family collection, was the Thomas Maddry found in the 1900 census enumeration of Claiborne Parish, Louisiana. In 1900, Thomas and Rosa Maddry had five sons, born between 1877 and 1890, and four daughters, born between 1892 and 1900. His eldest two sons were 23 and 20 years of age in 1900. If this is the correct family, then this photo was probably taken in the early 1890s. Daughter Eva, was eight years old in 1900. She could be the baby on her mother's lap in about 1893 or 1894. 

The 1900 census names the children of Thomas and Rosa M. Maddry as William B., Andrew J., Franklin, James T., Rollie H., Eva L., Nellie B., Ida Estelle, and a daughter named as "infant." 

If you want to know more about the families I research, click here to like my Facebook page, where you will see each post and other genealogical finds. 


© 2023 

"United States Census, 1900", , FamilySearch ( : Wed Oct 04 02:40:58 UTC 2023), Entry for Thomas Maddry and Rosa M Maddry, 1900.

Tom Maddry Family, photograph, n.d.; scanned image, from the privately held photo collection of the Frye Family, San Francisco, 2019.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Family Notes From The Baylor County Banner, Baylor County, Texas - 1916

Four eldest children of Floyd W. Thompson and Ora Cox
Juanita, Clarence, Ina Lucille, and Andy Bowie
An announcement of the birth of Ina Lucille is found below
in the issue dated 14 September 1916. Ina Lucille Thompson
was born on 8 September 1916. 

The following 1916 excerpts were found in Baylor County Banner issues on a microfilm reel labeled "Baylor County Banner Jan 07, 1915, thru Dec 28, 1916." These excerpts were recorded on my web pages almost twenty years ago. Those web pages have not been updated since about 2012 but can still be found at my Rootsweb Freepages site. However, Ancestry, who now owns Rootsweb, is retiring the pages in 2024, and when returned, they will be static (I will not be able to make changes). In case the pages get lost, I am adding the content to this blog.

I only abstracted issues from September 7 to December 28 for2016. You can view most issues from January through December at the free The Portal for Texas History. 

Many times, when adding information, I only gave the names of those who died, were married, etc. There is often much more to be found in the actual paper, so please check The Portal to Texas History to find complete articles. An * at the end of an extract indicates that I copied all that was mentioned about that person. 

September 7, 1916

Mary's Creek - Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Crabb, a fine girl. All doing well.*

Bomarton - Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. McGlothlin, a ten pound boy, last Sunday.*

Truman - Buchanan wedding in Midlothian

Levelview - L. E. Cox of Richland was down in our community on Monday. Mrs. Burnett spend a week with Mrs. T. A. Cox. *

Levelview - Mrs. Ura Cox will attend school at Seymour this fall and winter.

Caldwell - Phillips wedding

W. H. Reynolds and Wilma Gibbs married in Stamford


September 14, 1916

Laundry Improves - Morrow and Gilbert, proprietors of the Seymour Steam Laundry are keeping it up in a class with big city establishments. They have recently added a big tumbler, at a cost of $500.00 which is used for washing underwear, pillow slips, etc. Steam is forced through the cloth and drying is by means of a fan on the inside, blowing hot air. Another machine is a hydraulic press for handling towels, etc. , leaving them fluffy instead of flat.*

Mr. and Mrs. Olsen are the proud parents of a fine boy, born a week ago Saturday.  He is getting to be quite a youngster by this time.*

Mary Townsen weds in Oklahoma.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Blanks went to Denton Wednesday to see the former's mother who has been sick for some time.*

Bohac and Pastusek wedding in Megargel

Westover - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dormier, last week, a son, also to Mr. and Mrs. Webb, a daughter. All are doing well.*

Westover - J. F. Hawkins and family of Loving visited Mrs. Hawkins parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Webb, and incidentally the new girl at Georgie's.*

Westover - J. P. Elam is very low at this writing.  He is not expected to live.*

Westover - Ira White has lumber on the ground for a 20 foot extension to his storehouse.*

Levelview - The stork has visited our community lately presenting Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Meuse with a girl babe. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Earlee Samsill with a new girl.*

Levelview - Mrs. Bertie Hammett came in from Haskell to visit her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. T. A. Cox.*

Levelview - Floyd Thompson of Plainview visited kinfolks here Wednesday.*

Mrs. Frances is dead (Ruth Durham, wife of W. H. Frances) - very long obituary

A fine girl arrived last week to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thompson. Everybody is getting along splendidly.*

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Whit Criswell Bryan, Hospital Apprentice 2nd Class, 1940

Photo of Dad taken sometime during WWII

On June 7, 1940, 
Hospital Apprentice 2nd Class Whit Criswell Bryan departed San Diego after completing his training at the Naval Hospital Corps School. He journeyed on the USS Macdonough, bound for the Territory of Hawaii, and was accompanied by many fellow Hospital Apprentices.

This assignment to the US Naval Hospital, Pearl Harbor, was the first of many duty stations for Dad. He served until his retirement in 1969. 

Whit C. Bryan on line #4

USS Macdonough

If you want to know more about the families I research, click here to like my Facebook page, where you will see each post and other genealogical finds. 


© 2023 

"19-N-39996 USS Macdonough (DD-351)," Naval History and Heritage Command ( : accessed 11 November 2023). 

"U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949," ( : accessed 11 November 2023). 

Whit C. Bryan during WWII, photograph, no date or place, scanned image, from the privately held photo collection of Diana Bryan Quinn, Virginia Beach, VA, 2021. 

Friday, November 10, 2023

Friday's Photo: John Watts of Bienville Parish, Louisiana

This photo of John Lawson Watts was found in the collection of Marguerite Cook Clark. He matches the young man seen in the photo with his mother and two sisters in my last post, Tutorship of the minor children of James C. Watts and Catharine A. Bryan of Bienville Parish, Louisiana.

John was the fifth child of Edmund B. Watts and Martha Elizabeth Wimberly. He was born on 4 July 1879 and died on 28 May 1917. He married Willie J. Allums, and they had children Henry Edward, Frances Leon, Vera Mae, John L., and Jessie Nell.  John is buried in the Wimberly Cemetery. 

If you want to know more about the families I research, click here to like my Facebook page, where you will see each post and other genealogical finds. 

© 2023 

John Lawson Watts, photograph, n.d.; digital image, from the privately held
photo collection of Marguerite Cook Clark (1913-1989), Waynesville, North Carolina, 2021. Photos were accessed and scanned at the home of Marguerite Cook Clark's daughter in Alpine, Texas, on April 28, 2014, September 14, 2014, and November 9 to 11, 2016.

Vera Meeks Wimberly, Wimberly Family History, Ancestors, Relatives, and Descendants of William Wimberly, Pioneer from Georgia to Louisiana 1837 (Houston Texas: D. Anderson, 1979), 164-165.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tutorship of the minor children of James C. Watts and Catharine A. Bryan of Bienville Parish, Louisiana

The Oath of Catharine A. Watts, Natural Tutrix - 21 August 1867

These documents were a part of the ten-page succession of James C. Watts.  The record was requested and received from the County Clerk's office in Bienville Parish, Louisiana. 

This transcription was added to my Rootsweb Freepages website in 2005. Ancestry, who now owns Rootsweb, is retiring the pages in 2024. When and if they are returned, the pages will be static and I will not be able to make changes or additions. I am adding them to this blog along with new information and photos. 


Similar to a guardian, a tutor is a person appointed or qualified by a court to act as guardian of a minor’s property. In every tutorship, there is an under-tutor who shall act when the tutor is unable or whenever the interest of the minor is in opposition to the interest of the tutor. These terms appear to be unique to the laws of Louisiana.

James C. Watts and Catharine A. Bryan

James C. Watts, the husband of Catharine Amanda Bryan, was the son of Richard I. Watts and his wife, Sarah. James served as a hospital nurse in the Bienville Blues - Company C of the 9th Louisiana Infantry during the Civil War. Although there were statements in his compiled service record telling that James was discharged in 1862 as he was over 35 years of age, his record clearly showed that he was serving in Virginia in 1863. And a Pierson family letter states that he was wounded in Virginia in 1864. James died in 1867. His burial place is unknown. 

Catharine Amanda Bryan, sometimes seen as "Manda," was the daughter of Reddick Bryan and Elizabeth Regan. Following the death of James C. Watts, Catharine Amanda married G. B. Thomas in 1873. It is assumed that this marriage was short-lived as by 1875, she appeared on documents as Mrs. Watts. Catharine Amanda was said to have died in 1903.

Note that Catharine spelled her name with an "a" following the "h." In many documents, her name was spelled as Catherine; however, Catharine's signature on the above document and also on her father's succession records indicate that she used the less common spelling Catharine. 

Tutorship of the Minor Children of James C. Watts


Transcribed by Diana Bryan Quinn, May 28, 2005.

Tutorship of the minor children of James C. WATTS desc


Filed August 21st 1867

J. G. NOLES  Clerk DC 

The State of Louisiana

Parish of Bienville               11th District Court

 Whereas, Catharine A. WATTS has been appointed and confirmed by the District Court, in and for said parish, Natural Tutrix of the minor children of James C. WATTS late of said parish and State, deceased; and taken oath as described by law.

 Now, therefore, the said Catharine A. WATTS is hereby fully authorised and empowered to do and perform all and singular the duties incumbent on him by law in said capacity.

 In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, this 21st day of August A.D. 1867.

           [signed] John G. NOLES     Clerk, DC



Tutorship of the minor children Jas C. WATTS 

Oath of Catharine A. WATTS

Natural Tutrix 

Filed August 21st 1867

J. G. NOLES  Clerk DC 

The State of Louisiana

Parish of Bienville 

I , the undersigned, Catharine A. WATTS, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me by law as  Natural Tutrix of Edmund Bryan, Alice Elizabeth, Sarah Catharine and Martha Caldwell WATTS minor children of James C. WATTS late of said state and parish deceased according to the best of my knowledge and ability - SO HELP ME GOD. 

                Sworn to and subscribed on this the 21st day of August A.D. 1867

before me, [signed] John G. NOLES Clerk Dist Court        [signed] Catharine A. WATTS



James Bryan was a half-brother
to Catharine Amanda Bryan Watts.
Born in North Carolina, he was the
oldest son of Reddick Bryan
 and his first wife.  James was
married to Alice Mary Wimberly.
Tutorship of the minor children of Jas C. WATTS

Oath of James BRYAN

Under Tutor

Filed August 21st 1867

J. G. NOLES  Clerk DC 

The State of Louisiana

Parish of Bienville 

I , the undersigned, James BRYAN, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me by law as under tutor of Edmund Bryan, Alice Elizabeth, Sarah Catharine and Martha Caldwell WATTS minor children of James C. WATTS late of the aforesaid state and parish deceas

according to the best of my knowledge and ability - SO HELP ME GOD 

                Sworn to and subscribed on this the 21st day of August A.D. 1867

before me, [signed] John G. NOLES Clerk  Dist Court     [signed] James BRYAN

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Children of James C. Watts and Catharine A. Bryan

Edmund B. Watts, also seen spelled Edmond, was the son of James C. Watts and Catharine Amanda Bryan. He was born on 7 February 1853 and, in 1870, married Martha Elizabeth "Lizzie" Wimberly, daughter of John Lawson Wimberly and Sophanny Ann Frances Nix. It was said that Edmund died of pneumonia at the age of thirty-three, leaving six children and one not yet born: Frances Amanda Watts, James C. Watts, Sarah Catherine Watts, Lucy Watts, John Lawson Watts, Harriet E. Watts, and Eddie Bryan Watts. Edmund and Martha Elizabeth are buried in the Wimberly Cemetery in Bienville Parish. 

Martha Elizabeth "Lizzie" Wimberly, wife of Edmund Watts and their 
three youngest children: Harriet Elizabeth Watts, John Lawson Watts, and 
Eddie Bryan Watts. 

Alice Elizabeth Watts was born in about 1859.  The first daughter of James C. Watts and Catharine Amanda Bryan, she married Green H. Huckabay Jr and remained in Northwest Louisiana.  They are known to have children Amanda D., Joe, Denson, Fannie, John L., Lizzie, and Bryant. Alice Elizabeth and her husband are buried in Old Castor Cemetery in Bienville Parish. 

Sarah Catherine Watts was the daughter of James C. Watts and Catharine Amanda Bryan. I am not certain about the spelling of her name as I have seen it as Sarah spelled also as Sara and her middle name spelled as Catharine, Catherine and Katherine. In a letter dated 1914, written by her cousin, Sallie Hammett, Sarah was referred to as "Kate Stewart." On the 1870 census, she was Sara Watts, age 10, living with the family of her Aunt, Georgia Ann Frances Bryan Pitman Wimberly, in Bienville Parish. Also listed nearby were her future husband, Elastus Stewart, and his family.  Children of Sarah and Elastus were James Pitman, Sarah Elizabeth "Lizzie," Thomas E., Alice Corinne, John Hiser, Martha "Mattie Lou," and Mary Lou. Sarah died in Arcadia, Bienville Parish, in 1932 and is buried in the Arcadia Cemetery. 

Martha Caldwell Watts, also seen as "Mattie" was the youngest child of James C. Watts and Catharine Amanda Bryan. She was born 18 February 1866. Martha married Jeffrey Tolbert and they are known to have children Mary Alice, Marian, Joseph Earl "Dodie," Leon H., Hugh Leroy, Burdette, Earnest, Irene, and Allen Watts. Martha died on 8 December 1934 and is buried with her husband in the Bethany Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery in Natchitoches Parish. 

If you want to know more about the families I research, click here to like my Facebook page, where you will see each post and other genealogical finds. 


© 2023 

Diana Quinn, #1 Diana's Bryan-Quinn Family, ( accessed 6 November 2023). 

Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 06 November 2023), memorial page for Alice Elizabeth Watts Huckabay (May 1859–17 Feb 1942), Find a Grave Memorial ID 11775574, citing Old Castor Cemetery, Castor, Bienville Parish, Louisiana, USA; Maintained by Roy Bates (contributor 46805299).

Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 06 November 2023), memorial page for Martha Caldwell “Mattie” Watts Tolbert (18 Feb 1866–8 Dec 1934), Find a Grave Memorial ID 115012781, citing Bethany Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Fairview Alpha, Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana, USA; Maintained by A Footstep In Time (contributor 47345816).

James Bryan photograph, n.d.; digital image, from the privately held photo collection of Marguerite Cook Clark (1913-1989), Waynesville, North Carolina, 2021. Photos were accessed and scanned at the home of Marguerite Cook Clark's daughter in Alpine, Texas on April 28, 2014, September 14, 2014, and November 9 to 11, 2016.

"Kinship Navigator - Tutorship," Department of Children & Family Services ( : accessed 3 November 2023). 

"Louisiana, U.S., Compiled Marriage Index, 1718-1925," database with images, ( 4 November 2023), Amanda C. Watts to G. B. Thomas, 7 Jan 1873, Red River, Louisiana.

Martha Elizabeth Wimberly Watts and three children, photograph, n.d., scanned image, from the privately held photo collection of Betty Crain, 2003.

"Obituary for Sarah Katherlne STEWART (Aged 73)" The Times, March 13, 1932.

pamnorth1996, Pam Huckaby North Family Tree 2, ( accessed 6 November 2023). 

"Researching Bryan, Hairston, Criswell, Davis, Glynn, Giddens, Murray, Driscoll, Staubach, and Quinn," Membership List for the Liberty Chapel 1875 and a Letter from Marguerite Cook Clark to Eugene Ragan Pruitt.
( : accessed 2 November 2023).

"Researching Bryan, Hairston, Criswell, Davis, Glynn, Giddens, Murray, Driscoll, Staubach, and Quinn," Tutorship of the Minor Children of James C. Watts
( : accessed 2 October 2023).

Richard McCutcheon, McCutcheon Family Tree, ( accessed 6 November 2023).

Signatures found on the "Partition of  Slaves" in the Succession of Reddick Bryan, Bienville Parish, Louisiana, 1 August 1864; digital image, copied from the privately held collection of Marguerite Cook Clark (1913-1989), Waynesville, North Carolina, 2021. Photos and documents were accessed and scanned at the home of Marguerite Cook Clark's daughter in Alpine, Texas on April 28, 2014, September 14, 2014, and November 9 to 11, 2016.

Thomas W. Cutrer and T. Michael Parish, Brothers in Gray, The Civil War Letters of the Pierson Family (Louisiana State University Press, 1997), p. 240.

Tutorship of the minor children of Jas C. WATTS found in the Succession of James C. Watts, Bienville Parish, Louisiana, 21 August 1867, copies received from the Bienville Parish clerk's office in 2005, now in the private collection of Diana Quinn, 2023. 

"UNDER-TUTOR Definition & Legal Meaning," The Law Dictionary ( : accessed 3 November 2023). 

"United States Census, 1870", FamilySearch ( : Tue Oct 03 17:45:24 UTC 2023), Entry for E F Wimberly and Georgia Wimberly, 1870.

"US, Civil War Service Records (CMSR) - Confederate - Louisiana, 1861-1865," database with images, Fold3 ( 4 November 2023), James C. Watts, images 1 to 12.

Vera Meeks Wimberly, Wimberly Family History, Ancestors, Relatives, and Descendants of William Wimberly, Pioneer from Georgia to Louisiana 1837 (Houston Texas: D. Anderson, 1979), 132-133.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Friday's Photo: Is this a family in Bienville Parish?

This unlabeled photo was found in the collection of Marguerite Cook Clark. Most, but not all, of her photos were taken in and around Bienville Parish, Louisiana. Does this house look familiar? 

These markings are seen at the bottom of the photo. Often these identify the photographer and/or location. 

The family's clothing shows styles that are indicative of those of the late 1880s and in the 1890s.  Photos of family members have been enlarged and can be seen below. 

If you want to know more about the families I research, click here to like my Facebook page, where you will see each post and other genealogical finds. 

© 2023 

Unknown family photograph, n.d.; digital image, from the privately held photo collection of Marguerite Cook Clark (1913-1989), Waynesville, North Carolina, 2021. Photos were accessed and scanned at the home of Marguerite Cook Clark's daughter in Alpine, Texas, on April 28, 2014, September 14, 2014, and November 9 to 11, 2016.

Edward Zapletal, Publisher and Editor, More Dating Old Photographs 1840-1929 (Toronto: Moorshead Publishing, 2011).