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Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday's Photo: A Play at Hope High School, Bienville Parish, Louisiana

A reader sent me this program from a play at Hope High School in 1922. Her great-grandmother, Maggie Frye, played Mrs. Gordon and Miss Madden, and her great-grandfather, Charlie Wedgeworth, played a lineman. In reading my past posts, I saw that 1922 was the year an addition was added to Hope School, and from that time, it was usually known as Hope High School. 

"Hope School" is written on the back of this photo from the Frye Family Collection. 

I had hoped to have photos of students named—I had two. You can see them at the links below. 

Other posts about Hope School:

If you want to know more about the families I research, click here to like my Facebook page, where you will see each post and other genealogical finds. 


© 2024 

"A Kentucky Colonel / Belle," digital image, original program from the collection of  Chantel Freeman, September 2024. Used with permission. 

"Hope School," original photograph from the Frye Family collection, C. Frye, CA.  Accessed June 6, 2016, and June 3, 2019. Used with permission.

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