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Monday, September 16, 2024

Ancestry's Quick Links in my Toolbox - a Better Way has informed its members that the Quick Links feature will be discontinued starting November 1, 2024. We were given an early warning last year when the ability to add new links to the Quick Links widget was disabled. Yesterday, I learned that less than 1% of Ancestry users took advantage of this feature.[1] As one of that small percentage, I didn’t wait around when last year's announcement came through. I made sure to back up my favorite links, which included Public Trees shared by other users and all Federal Census Records. These links are a huge time-saver for me.

Within a few hours, I had transferred all of these links into my personal genealogy "Toolbox," a file I keep handy on my Chrome toolbar. 

I soon realized that having the links in my Toolbox was even more convenient than relying on the Quick Links on my homepage. It’s much easier to pull up census records and those family trees now, as I no longer have to navigate away from the page I’m working on—saving clicks in the process. I found it so useful that I’ve created a separate file of links to Federal Census Records at FamilySearch, which I turn to whenever I can't locate someone in the records.

If you want to know more about the families I research, 
click here to like my Facebook page, where you will see each post and other genealogical finds. 

© 2024 

[1] Timothy J. Barron, "Ancestry Users," Facebook ( : posted 14 September 2024).

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