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Thursday, June 29, 2023

Family notes from the Baylor County Banner, Baylor County, Texas - 1908

The following 1908 excerpts were found in Baylor County Banner issues on a microfilm reel labeled "Baylor County Banner Jan 04, 1907 thru Dec 25, 1908." These articles were recorded on my web pages almost twenty years ago. 

Those web pages have not been updated since about 2012 but can still be found at my Rootsweb Freepages site. However, Ancestry, who now owns Rootsweb, is retiring the pages in 2024, and when returned, they will be static (I will not be able to make changes). In case the pages get lost, I am adding the content to this blog.

An asterisk * indicates that all of the information from the article is included in the notes below. To search for your family name, use your browser's "Find" function. 

The 1908 issues seen in this post as well as many other issues from that year, can be viewed at NewspaperArchives. However, you must have a paid subscription. The 1908 issues are not found in the free The Portal to Texas History

I currently own this microfilm. If you would like to see the actual article, I will take a photo of the microfilmed article. To request this, please comment below this post, or comment on my Facebook page, or send me an email (go to the "About Me" tab at the top of this page). 

January 3, 1908

J. D. Blanks is visiting his old home in Denton. His father is better. *

McGuire – Kinnibrugh wedding

Stanefar and Peek wedding

Nunn – Lawson wedding

Young – Ryan wedding

Blair – Parks wedding

Seaborn - Grandpa Haggerton, father of Mrs. Fails and Mrs. Hughs

Grandma Shackleford passed away


January 10, 1908

Born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. William Hague, a girl*

McMinn – Randal wedding

1908 is leap year. But so many marriages have taken place this year that there won’t be many old maids left. *

Ample - Thomas-Swindell wedding

January 17, 1908

Death of Will Metcalf

A man by the name of Reeder died Sunday morning out on Bob Dickson’s place a few miles southeast of town. He was a widower and came here recently from Cherokee County, he and several grown sons.  He died with consumption. The funeral was held Sunday evening at the cemetery by the Masons.  *

Born to Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Mosely, Sunday night, a fine boy. *

15-year-old Helen Morris died.

Mrs. J. J. Herndon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cruthirds, niece of Mr. Bob Bennett

Mrs. N. Tarver, of Water Valley, MS, died. Mother of R. J. Tarver and Mrs. J. Q. Word

Ample - Death of Mrs. Effie May Moore wife of B. C. Moore and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Phillips

Ample - During the party at Mr. Low’s New Year’s night Miss Georgia Low and Frank Adams ran away and were married at Mr. Robertson’s, where a minister was waiting for them.  They had been gone about an hour and a half before they were missed.  They are now domiciled on the Price Ranch. We extend them our heartiest congratulations.  **

Hill – McWhorter Wedding

A Christmas letter from W. R. Thornton of California

Browder – Guynn wedding

January 24, 1908

H. C. Hammond died

Elizabeth L. Russey died

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kovar Jan 11th a fine ten pound boy. Also to Mr. and Mrs. J. M.  Ermis, Jan. 12th a girl.*

Born to Dr. and Mrs. Gibbons at the home of Mrs. E. A. Fancher Saturday afternoon, a fine 9-pound boy. Mother and son, also the Doctor, are all doing well. *

Mrs. J. J. Larimore died

Frank Howe’s brother died in Pampa, Texas

Baird – Beck wedding

Red Springs - Brummett – Wright wedding

Ample - Atkinson-Self wedding performed while bride and groom were in a buggy

Deep Creek - More about Mr. Hammond’s death

January 31, 1908

Franklin Mitchell Wedding

Mrs. Gray, the mother of S. H. Gray, died

Levelview - Mr. Woods and his wife and brother have moved on P. A. Hairston’s farm. *

February 7, 1908

Coroner’s Verdict - The Justice of the Peace last Saturday rendered a verdict in the case of the death of Will Metcalf.   He finds that Mr. Metcalf came by his death from poison in the form of strychnine obtained from an unknown source. *

W. J. Ellis received a message Wednesday that his oldest brother, S. J. Ellis, had died of pneumonia. He was taken very suddenly, and Mr. Ellis did not know he was sick till just before he died. *

Word was received here last week that J. Q. Cabler, better known as Quince Cabler, had died at Durant, OK., with pneumonia.  His daughter from Vera, Mrs. C. C. Davis, was present at his death. *

It is said that dancing makes girls' feet large. It is also said that ice cream makes freckles.  Doctors are of the opinion that hanging on the front gate produces rheumatism.  A. few more opinions like these and the girls won’t have any fun left in them.*

Death of Leona Ellis, wife of Kelly Ellis, mother of a five-day-old baby, daughter of Mrs. W. E. McNeil.

Red Springs - Mr. Watts from Franklin County has moved on Dan Edwards’ farm*

12-year-old Helen Morris died. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Morris

Mrs. L. H. Jamison, formerly Miss Oda Ogden, died.

Mr. N. J. Fletcher died.

Rev. J. W. Brice reports a wedding at the Baptist parsonage Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock in which Mr. B. M. Boone and Miss Vaisy Brown were the chef participants. Both young people were from Goree and, after the wedding, departed for their home.*

February 14, 1908

For Representative, 104th District
            R. B. Humphrey
            R. M. Reed
For Judge 50th Judicial District
            D. L. Kenan
            J. M. Morgan
For Attorney 50th Judicial District
B.D. Glasgow
For County Judge
            B. F. Bowman
            Nat. G. Mitchell
For County  and District Clerk
            W. H. Merrick
For County Attorney
            T. J. North
For Sheriff and Tax Collector
            E. L. Craddock
            Chas. Webb
For Tax Assessor
            Chas. S. Humphries
For Public Weigher
            W. E. Baskin
            J. R. Walkup
            W. M. Patterson
            Howard Harrison
For Treasurer
            Z. W. Briggs

Hanna – Nichols wedding

John W. Field, a civil engineer well known in Seymour, died in his home in Wichita Falls

Very long article about Mr. Graham Irby’s brush with wild boar in Mexico.

Born last week to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Braly, a girl. These people last year had the misfortune of losing all four of their children.*

Stryker – Lewis wedding
February 21, 1908

Lowry – Draper Wedding

14-year-old Pearl Winkle died

Mr. and Mrs. McFarland are the proud parents of a fine boy who made his arrival last Monday night *

A little stranger made its appearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart last Sunday night and was recognized as one of the family. *

February 28, 1908

New Subscribers - (I will list names. Information about previous homes, jobs, parents, and siblings is sometimes in this section. Frequently, a Baylor resident is sending the paper to a relative in another town. I will look these up upon request.) Choate, Denny, Hawkins, Camp, Flint, Marak, Krenek, Logan, Hill, Hightower, Clough, Owens, Morris, Wallace, McQuerry, Winkle, Bellah, Nash

20th Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Randal

Linen Shower for Grace Plants

Allison – Plants wedding

Judge Morgan died

Mesdames J. S. Siddens and A. J. Blanks left Monday for Mabank to see their father.  He was taken three weeks ago with paralysis and is no better. The fact that he is over eighty makes them uneasy.  *

From an article about the amount of cotton grown and baled by local farmers:

E. E. Haggard, west of town, had on his place, Messrs. Hays and Hammett. They made 30 bales off 80 acres.

Richland - Mr. and Mrs. Kivett are very proud of the fine baby girl which arrived on the 18th. *

Richland - Mr. John Taylor and Miss Adeline Ellison were married at Bro. Brice’s residence Monday afternoon.  They left immediately for Emma, which is their future home. We wish them much success and happiness. *

March 6, 1908

 Mrs. Lillian Stockton, wife of E. P. Stockton, died Monday with pneumonia and was buried Tuesday in the Seymour Cemetery.  Mr. Stockton and family have been here only a short time and are renting land from W. L. Ellis east of town.  She was a sister to Mr. Ballew, who works for Bailes Bros.  She leaves a husband and six children to mourn her loss.  *

For Representative, 104th District
            R. B. Humphrey
            R. M. Reed
For Judge 50th Judicial District
            J. O. A. P. Dickson  
For Attorney 50th Judicial District
   B.D. Glasgow
For County Judge
            B. F. Bowman
            Nat. G. Mitchell
For County and District Clerk
            W. H. Merrick
For County Attorney
            T. J. North
For Sheriff and Tax Collector
            E. L. Craddock
            Chas. Webb
For Tax Assessor
            Chas. S. Humphries
            W. J. Scudder
For Public Weigher
            W. E. Baskin
            J. R. Walkup
            W. M. Patterson
            Howard Harrison
For Treasurer
            Z. W. Briggs

Mrs. R. E. Bell, daughter of Judge Morgan, dies

Taylor - Ellison wedding

Thornberg – Nichols wedding

Seymour Cornet Band - Henry Carter, Homer Brooks, Claude Pierce, Henry Albright, Rowe Graham, Oscar Key, Jesse Burnett,  Pat Waddell, Osmond Jones, 
Robert Jones, B.W. Bradshaw, Wad Hurley, Otho Harrison, Taylor Baskin, Herschel High, Jet Burnett, J. B. Lunsford, Hubert Lowery

Holmes – Malone wedding

Mrs. Rosa Chapman united with the church and was baptized in Mr. Chapman’s tank Sunday evening.

March 13, 1908

Bell County Men - Some time ago, several deals were made in real estate near Bomarton that have never been fully reported.  The purchasers were Bell County men, and the vendor was K. H. Worley.  The deal included 320 acres of Mr. Worley’s fine land south of town:  120 acres to Simon Barton of Temple and 200 acres to John Coufal of Oenaville.  In the party was also Frank Motl, who bought last year 320 acres from Fancher Bros, in the Mary’s Creek pasture.  On this trip, he bought eight lots in Bomarton, just north of  Chas. Merendas’ blacksmith shop.   Frank Sodek completed the party.  He bought no land this time but came to see about 100 acres he bought last summer from Martin Marak.  And these men, with the possible exception of Frank Motl, will probable locate here in the next year or two.  *

 Ample - Aunt Lizzie Patton of Goree died

 Ample - The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Latamore died

Ample - Allie Thomas, niece of Rev. Touchstone, died (long obituary farther down in the same column)

Ogden - Swan – Dearing wedding

March 20, 1908

For Representative, 104th District
            R. B. Humphrey
            R. M. Reed
For Judge 50th Judicial District
            J. O. A. P. Dickson  
For Attorney 50th Judicial District
B.D. Glasgow
For County Judge
            B. F. Bowman
            Nat. G. Mitchell
For County and District Clerk
            W. H. Merrick
For County Attorney
            T. J. North
For Sheriff and Tax Collector
            E. L. Craddock
            Chas. Webb
For Tax Assessor
            Chas. S. Humphries
            W. J. Scudder
For Public Weigher
            W. E. Baskin
            J. R. Walkup
            W. M. Patterson
            Howard Harrison
For Treasurer
            Z. W. Briggs
            Claude C. Fancher
            O.D. Goostree
For Commissioner Precinct No.1
            E. P. McFarlin
            R. C. Jones
For Justice of the Peace Precinct No. 1
            R. C. Jones

 Amanda McLain died in OK (formerly lived in Baylor County)

New Subscribers - (I will list names. Information about previous homes, jobs, parents, and siblings is sometimes in this section. Frequently, a Baylor resident is sending the paper to a relative in another town. I will look these up upon request.) Clay, Fancher, Stout, Duncan, Doss, Gordan, Long, Johnson, Park, Miller, McKee
Willis, Stevens, Williams, Davis, Foster, Moore, Sykora, Laza, Burt, Brewer, Malone

 The century-old task of connecting Manhattan Island with the mainland has at last been accomplished, and the last week the first big connecting tunnel under the Hudson River was thrown open for traffic. This puts the Hudson River ferries out of business and marks the progress New York is making in her dream for underground, underwater transportation for that great city. *

Cache Creek - Fred Shipley of Dublin came in Saturday on a few days' visit to his brother, Guy Shipley.*

Fancher  -   Bingham wedding

Ample - Mr. and Mrs. Deloch are the proud parents of a fine boy who arrived the eighth. *

March 27, 1908

The Banner learns just as we go to press that J. Musser and Miss Estelle Couch were married Wednesday evening at Munday.  They will leave in about a week for Louisiana on their honeymoon.  A fuller account of this event will be given next week. *

A petty little girl arrived at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Johnson Monday night.  Next to Dr. Edgar, the proudest man in town, is grandfather Merrick Davis, and he makes no effort to conceal it. *

Shady - Raymond Worley, infant, died

April 3, 1908

John Henson’s house burned.

Musser – Couch wedding

Ample - The good fairy visited one of the homes in our community yesterday, the 28th, and left a little girl to the care and keeping of J. D. Rice and wife.  Mother and child are doing nicely, and Grandpa White has just about recovered. *
April 10, 1908

Mrs. Ella M. Glasgow (nee Robertson) died in Dickens City on March 27th 

Miller – Moody Wedding

Martin – Fuller Wedding

New Subscribers (I will list names. Information about previous homes, jobs, parents, and siblings is sometimes in this section. Frequently, a Baylor resident is sending the paper to a relative in another town. I will look these up upon request.)     A.B. Blume, W. H. Worsham, R. T. Latham, A. W. Tuck, W. B. Walraven, Anton Mazoch, J, M, Sprinkles, W. H. Pritchard, Jim Farak, H. E. Holmes

Graham Irby returned some time ago from Mexico but has been laid up in bed since that time so that he has not mingled with the populace any.

Tom Martin and Miss Lizzie Henson were married Wednesday night, but the matter didn’t leak into the Banner office in time for this week’s paper.  More about it later.*

Mrs. J. Q. Clabler came in Tuesday from Durant, OK, to visit her sisters, Mesdames, W.E. Bailes, S. Nichols, and Jas. Finney. *

J. C. Albritton of Snyder is lecturing in Baylor County this week in the interest of the Farmer’s Union.

England - Charley Culvery’s baby boy died.

Vera, Gilliland, and Truscott - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Props are the proud parents of a fine girl. Fathers and grandfathers are doing well. Hopes are entertained for their speedy recovery.*

Will Minnick and hands will leave today for New York City with a large bunch of polo ponies.  Will is to stay till after his brother Jim’s marriage, which will take place in June.  Jess Williamson will have charge of the Minnick ranch during the absence of its owners.* 

Misses Nina and Fay Robertson of  Iowa Park are visiting their sister, Mrs. Will Minick.*

Will Minnick has entirely recovered from the attack of heart failure, as reported some time ago, since the arrival of a nine-pound girl in their home.* 

 April 17, 1908

New Subscribers (I will list names. Information about previous homes, jobs, parents, and siblings is sometimes in this section. Frequently, a Baylor resident is sending the paper to a relative in another town. I will look these up upon request.)  C. G. Hail, T. L. Densmore,  W. T. Slaughter,  S. Nichols, J. E. Harland, J. M. Thomas, S. E. Holloway, W. A. Cox, V. E. Hargett,  Dr. M. L. Parker, J. Barton, Hubert Worley, Wm. Phennig, Tom Martin, J. M. Foster, H. A. Nash, C. S. Shultz, Ch. H. Bridges, S. H. Adams, J. M. Yarbrough, T. B. Fortenberry, B. B. Stogner, August Peters, E. B. Packwood, J. P. Alvis

J. R. Smith is in receipt of an invitation to attend the wedding of Miss Adelheid Comelia Holthausen to Jas. Minnick, to take place on Wednesday, April 29th, at Union Hill, New Jersey.  Jim Minnick is a Baylor-raised boy and is known here by all the old settlers.  He is something of an expert in the saddle and has a large number of prizes in roping contests.  Of late years he has been engaged in the business of training polo horses and taking them to New York.  From all accounts, the girl he is marrying is a beautiful and accomplished lady and well worthy of the hand of our young friend.  *

Henson – Martin marriage

Jeff Scott married Mrs. Jim McDonald (Jennie Metcalf)

Mrs. Estridge was struck by lightning and not expected to live

 22-year-old brother of Jack Drury died

Deep Creek - The stork visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blankenship one day last week and left in their care a 12-pound boy.  Mother and son are getting along nicely. *

Richland - A very good Fairy visited at Mrs. Sidden’s Saturday the 4th and left Mr. and Mrs. Fonso Jordan a 10-pound boy.*

Richland - The Fairy came again Monday night and brought Mr. and Mrs. Williams a little baby girl which lived but a few hours.  It was buried in the Henson graveyard Tuesday afternoon. * 

April 24, 1908

For Representative, 104th District
            R. B. Humphrey
            R. M. Reed
            D. J. Brookerson
For Judge 50th Judicial District
            J. O. A. P. Dickson
            C.E. Coombes        
For Attorney 50th Judicial District
             B.D. Glasgow
For County Judge
            B. F. Bowman
            Nat. G. Mitchell
For County and District Clerk
            W. H. Merrick
For County Attorney
            T. J. North
For Sheriff and Tax Collector
            E. L. Craddock
            Chas. Webb
For Tax Assessor
            Chas. S. Humphries
            W. J. Scudder
For Public Weigher
            W. E. Baskin
            J. R. Walkup
            W. M. Patterson
            Howard Harrison
For Treasurer
            Z. W. Briggs
            Claude C. Fancher
            O.D. Goostree
For Commissioner Precinct No.1
            E. P. McFarlin
             R. C. Jones
For County Surveyor
             A. D. Kerr
For Justice of Peace Precinct No 1
            R. C. Jones

The Banner reporter heard the other day that Dee Wilkerson was dead.  It turned out, however, that he was only married.  The event took place a few weeks ago at Tucumcari, and they are living in Oklahoma City. *

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Allen are the young parents of a baby girl born to them several days ago.  Mrs. B. F. White, mother of Mrs. Allen, is here from Winnsboro, visiting her daughter. *

 April 24, 1908

Little Alline Lowery Knox died at half past six Wednesday evening of heart failure.  The baby was one of Mrs. Lowery’s twins and had been adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Jno. W. Knox.  It had never been strong, and its death was not unexpected.  The funeral takes place this afternoon at the residence at three o’clock. *

Richland - Mr. and Mrs. George Malone are the proud parents of a fine girl born to them the 12th. *

Richland - Mr. and Mrs. Weather’s infant was buried at the Henson graveyard Monday afternoon.  Mrs. Weathers, Alma, and Monie are better at this writing. *

May 1, 1908

Willie Brown, child of  Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Brown, died.

Father of Lee Vernon died in Weatherford.

Mr. and Mrs. Lige Adkins are the proud parents of a baby girl born to them last week.  The young lady didn’t weigh, but three pounds, and the doctors feared at first that she wouldn’t live.  But she has been doing the finest kind, and it is hoped now that she will soon be in fine health.  *

Martin – Harris wedding in Bomarton

Ogden - The stork has made two very pleasant visits in our community of late and left with Mr. and Mrs. Caussey a pretty brown-eyed boy, on the 17th and with Mr. and Mrs. Warren, a beautiful little girl, on the 22nd. *

May 8, 1908

New Subscribers (I will list names. Information about previous homes, jobs, parents, and siblings is sometimes in this section. Frequently, a Baylor resident is sending the paper to a relative in another town. I will look these up upon request.) A.N. Seals, W. T. Brown, W. T. Hurst, Chess Ellison, L. S. Price, F. W. Neuenswandwer, M. H. Meadows, Wm. Nelle, H. Hatten, F. M. Armstrong, C. D. Allen, Ida Carothers, J. C. Jersig, B. F. Nelson,  R. C. Hooten,  Harvey Conklin, M. A. Davenport,  Joe Williamson, V. Streeder, Chase Kincaid 

Everett – McClatchy wedding

May 15, 1908

Curil Janik died near Cache Creek Saturday and was buried Sunday in the Bomarton cemetery.  He came here some six months ago from Lavaca County and has been living on H. Windel’s place with his son.  He died of old age, being 70 years old. *

A party of Masons consisting of J. A. Bussell, J. T. White, A. D. Kerr, and T. C. Shelley attended the funeral of Dr. Henderson who died last week at Vera from consumption and was buried by the Masons. Dr. Henderson is a mighty good man, and his death is universally regretted. *

May 22, 1908

The Mills Affair – a story of the assault on C. C. Mills at Belknap.  (the first article about this crime was reported in the previous issue)

Broox – Dobbins wedding

D.L. Kenan, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Martha, and Miss Birdie Stevens, went to Dallas Friday to meet Miss Verda Kenan on her way home from college.  She has been attending Mary Baldwin Seminary at Staunton, VA, for the past term and declares it to be a fine institution. *

Joe A. Wheat left Friday for Amarillo, where he was to have been married Wednesday.  As nothing has been heard to the contrary, it is presumed that the worst has happened.*

Frances Marion Caldwell died. Father of Chas. Caldwell and Mrs. Clyde Fancher

Hawkins – Meyerholz wedding

The Farm and Ranch is making a great hit with its churnless butter process.

Richland - Mrs. Alread died

Richland  - Mr. Keck hospitalized

May 29, 1908

Bills-Voss wedding

The Wright Brothers of Manteo, NC, have invented an aeroplane that will probably mark an epoch in flying machines.  Their machine was wrecked, but they have almost learned how to fly. *

Wheat – Veale wedding (very long)

Deep Creek - Cora Reemer died, child of Mr. and Mrs. George Reemer

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Blanks Saturday, a fine girl. Mother and child both doing well, and J. D. trying to run his business and household at one and the same time. *

June 12, 1908

Archie Bedford of Benjamin died – father of Mrs. Dudley Benge

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Owens Thursday of last week, a fine eight-and-one-half-pound girl.  All parties doing well, especially the baby. *

Rev. H. M. Brooks returned Wednesday from Benjamin, where he had been to conduct the funeral of Archie Bedford, which took place there Monday. *

The baby of Kelly Ellis has died.

Card of thanks – the death of Herman Flippin Page, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Page

June 19, 1908

Matt Boone of Vera died.

Death of Mr. W. H. Watterson, father of Mrs. J. W. Hamilton

Hall – Hammock announcement

Born on June 5th to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Francis, a boy, Bill says it’s the finest boy there is in the world and is duly proud thereof.  *

T. G. Moseley went to Frost Thursday of last week to accompany the body of his brother-in-law, L. D. Bell, who died here last week. He attended the funeral there and returned home Sunday. *

Richland - Mr. and Mrs. Ballard Edwards’ little child was buried at the Henson cemetery Sunday afternoon at half past three.  We earnestly sympathize with them in their bereavement. *
June 26, 1908

New Subscribers  (I will list names. Information about previous homes, jobs, parents, and siblings is sometimes in this section. Frequently, a Baylor resident is sending the paper to a relative in another town. I will look these up upon request.) J. E. McCauley, J. A. H. Thurman, J. R. Miller, Chas. Meyerholz, Morris Wheat, P. P. Worley, T. C. Maddox, J. H. Brown, J. H. Keathley, M. J. Mazanec, O. Y. Watson, J. L. Jones, Jas. McMurray, Mr. Mosley, Si Edwards, J. D. Carrington, Eng. Jelinek, Jno. Laza, B. F. White, Mrs. M. D. Lankford, S. H. Adams, J. W. Davis, A. J. Samsill, W. A. Watts, Ike Eridge, G. B. Underwood.

W. A. Watts is trying the west on J. W. Lucus’ place in Mabelle.  He is from Ellis County and likes it thus far. *

 Tuck  - Nixon wedding

 Emma Estelle Widener, age 6, died in a fire

 Harper–Goss wedding

 Vera, Truscott, and Gilliland - Mr. and Mrs. Breedlove have returned from Marlin, Texas, where they were called to attend the funeral of Jimmie Bedgood, a brother of Mrs. Breedlove’s.  He died in Montana and was shipped to Marlin for burial.* 

Vera, Truscott, and Gilliland - Mrs. Patterson received news that her sister, Mrs. Nan Evans, died about two weeks ago at Wichita Falls.  She had gone there to visit another sister who was sick.  Mrs. Evans visited in Vera two years ago and made many friends who will regret very much to learn of her death. *

Lake Creek - Mrs. Jackson’s two-year-old baby died June 16 and was buried Friday at Cache Creek. We extend to the bereaved mother our heartfelt sympathy.*

July 3, 1908

 Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Hill are the proud parents of a boy born to them on the 19th.  The Banner reporter didn’t know anything about it till he saw Hill looking so pleased that he finally asked what it was all about. *

Ex-President Grover Cleveland died on June 24. The United States has no ex-presidents.

Grandpa Plants has been trying to look dignified this week, but he can’t help looking a little too gay.  Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Robertson are boasting of a pretty little brown-eyed lass at their house who weighs eight pounds and who already rules two families.*

The Eureka and Harvey hotels have changed hands.  W. T. Moody has moved from the Eureka to the Harvey Hotel and Mr. Shelton has taken the Eureka.  Mr. Moody says for the Banner to tell all his old customers where he is and tell them he is putting up dandy meals.*

A very long thank you for all that was done for Mrs. Mollie Weathers who at been extremely sick for the past two months but was much better.  Special thanks to Dr. Burnett, to Mr. Castleberry for the prompt delivery of messages, and to Will Henson for the use of his phone.  J. E. Weathers, husband and  H. B. Gleghorn and wife, parents*

Chambers – Perry wedding

Ogden - Cupid continues to play pranks and has surprised the people of our community by having Bro. Nelson joined together in the holy bonds of matrimony Miss Minnie Caussey and Mr. George Woods last Sunday morning, June 21, at 8 o’clock.  They left for McKinney, where they will reside in the future.  The community extends hearty congratulations to the young couple.*

Deep Creek - We are sorry to learn of the death of the little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Henderson.  It was buried at the Seymour Cemetery one day last week.  The bereaved family has the sympathy of all.

Deep Creek - Again, Cupid has shot his darts and wounded one of our fairest girls and handsomest boys.   The many friends of Mr. Mann {cannot read initials as the paper was torn} will be greatly surprised but pleased to hear that he has won for his own the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lambert, Miss Cora.  They went to Seymour Wednesday eve and were quietly married.  May the happiest days of their past life be the saddest days of their future life is our most earnest wish. *

July 10, 1908

Hamner – Rogers

Married:-At the residence of Rev. J. W. Brice, July 4th at 4:00p.m., Miss Mary Rogers and Bascom Hamner.  Miss Rogers is from Vera, and Mr. Hamner is with the Haskell Telephone Co.  {there may have been more to this announcement, but the paper was cut off at the bottom}*

Gore –Webb  wedding

Watkins – Randal Wedding

England - Levi Fortenberry and wife are the proud parents of a 10-pound girl which arrived last Saturday.  Mother and child are doing well.*

Seaborn - There was a quiet home wedding Sunday morning when Seaborn Gore led to the altar Sallye Webb.   Rev. A. B. Mills officiating – just a few relatives of the contracting parties being present. Those present were J. W. Gore and family of Seymour, Romie Gough, family and sister of Round Timber, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hawkins of Loving, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McEntire of Olney, Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Webb. *

July 17, 1908

Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hairston of the Levelview community left Saturday for Big Springs to visit their daughter for a month.*

Miss Iva Suttlemyer was married July 8 to Mr. Holmes, a merchant at Toyah.  Miss Iva is known to a great many people in this country where she was raised who will be glad to know that she married a fine man.*

Alford –Benge Wedding

New Subscribers (I will list names. Information about previous homes, jobs, parents, and siblings is sometimes in this section. Frequently, a Baylor resident is sending the paper to a relative in another town. I will look these up upon request.)   J. W. Nutt, P. N. Taylor, Oscar Owens, A. J. Willbanks, J. A. T. Parks, W. C. Baldwin, Aaron Miller, P. F. Fink, H. Herrold, Chas. McLain, D. A. Lee, E. A. Jones, S. T. Brown, G. A. Bench, C. E. Neal, E. S. Howe, Mrs. Girvas Isley, S. H. Braswell, Frank Steen, Frank Hons, 

Mr. P. A. Hairston subscribes for his son-in-law, R. E. Bryan, at Big Springs.

Large picture of Judge A. P. Dickson
July 31, 1908

Dantzler – Hawkins wedding

Mrs. Wilder, sister of D. L. Kenan, died in Weatherford.  Children were Mrs. Morgan Jones of Colorado and Dr. Lawler Wilder of Granbury.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hamlin, living several miles southeast, on July 23rd an 8 1/2 pound boy.  These are people after Teddy’s own heart, as this makes nine children in all.

The editor has been making trips through the many communities of Baylor and some of Knox County.  He recruits new subscribers and then writes about the community. These articles are very long.  I copied the below Levelview portion of this one as my great-grandparents, Phillip A. Hairston and Lodema Criswell Hairston, lived in Levelview.

When the editor and his good wife got back from Vera, the good lady declared she was all in down and out and through.  So the next day, along toward noon, the lonely editor slowly wended his way westward in search of new worlds.  When he had gone as far as J. J. Casselberry’s he stopped to see where he was at and to get further bearings.  These good people were just sitting down to dinner, as luck would have it, and the editor was invited to take a hand.  He didn’t accept, of course.  Well, they had some of the softest, mellowest, and mealiest Irish potatoes that ever melted in a man’s mouth.  And the pie and hot rolls and everything that was good. I’d like to go back there once more.  Having gotten directions and dinner and water for the beast ye scribe passed on. Yes, they have water in this part of the world.  Nearly every farm north and west of town has on it a good well of water and sometimes two or three.  When the traveler passed by the farm of J. H. Brown, he got in and rode to Levelview.  Mr. Brown has 320 acres, nearly all in cultivation and splendid crops.  As we passed the farm of Tom Cox  Mr. Brown pointed our a field of cotton that had been planted after a crop of grain had been harvested this year.  He was approaching knee-high and bids fair to make a bountiful yield.  Let us stop just here long enough to say that the crops seen on this trip were fine enough to make any man proud that he lives in Baylor County. Everything is magnificent.        The village of Levelview is a bit scattered.  The church and schoolhouse are about a half a mile from the rest of it.  The rest consists of a gin, store, and a blacksmith shop.  Mr. Myhand is the man who lately put in a store.  He says this fall he is going to stock up good.  He subscribes to the Banner.  Near the gin lives W. H. Mann who came hear a year ago from Hunt county. He was enrolled on our subscription list.

Guy Foster sent in Monday for a suit of clothes for the fine large boy that came to his house Sunday. *

Braswell – Doss Wedding

 August 7, 1908

No births, deaths, or weddings

August 14, 1908

For Representative, 104th District

            D. J. Brookerson
For Judge 50th Judicial District
            J. O. A. P. Dickson
For Attorney 50th Judicial District
            B.D. Glasgow
For County Judge
            Nat. G. Mitchell
For County and District Clerk
            W. H. Merrick
For County Attorney
            T. J. North
For Sheriff and Tax Collector
            E. L. Craddock
For Tax Assessor
            Chas. S. Humphries
For Public Weigher
            W. E. Baskin
For Treasurer
            O. D. Groostree
For Surveyor
          A. D. Kerr
For Commissioner Precinct 1
         R. C. Jones
For Justice of the Peace Precinct 1
            R. C. Jones
For Commissioner Precinct 2
            I. N. Oliphint
For Commissioner Precinct 4
            A. A. Harrison

Flying Machines
Count Zeppelin in Germany has perfected a flying machine that seems almost to have solved the problem of aerial navigation.  It is a balloon combination.  In a trial recently almost successful voyage was made, but the performance ended by the machine being wrecked in a fierce whirl-wind.  The German government has contributed $125,000 and private citizens $275,000 more for the continuation of Count Zepplin’s experiments.  Wilbur Wright of South Carolina is also doing some sensational flying in France.*  

New Subscribers     (I will list names. Information about previous homes, jobs, parents, and siblings is sometimes in this section. Frequently, a Baylor resident is sending the paper to a relative in another town. I will look these up upon request.)  J. A. Baird, Mrs. Chas Randal, H. L. Tuck, Jos. Vita, A. J. Dozier, R. M. Alexander, Otto Adkins

Red Springs - Beckham – Hoosier Wedding

Levelview - Mr. Hairston and wife returned Sunday from a month's visit to their daughter at Big Springs.*

Levelview - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cope are the parents of a fine 6-pound girl.*

August 21, 1908

Rice – Sturdivant Wedding

Bomarton - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Cash Bell last Saturday morning a fine girl*

Lake Creek - Little Scott Stone died Friday and was buried Saturday at Friendship. Bro. Curry conducted the services. *

August 27, 1908

Shady - Mrs. Cora Elliott died

England - Drake – Johnson wedding

District Court - Divorce granted to Mollie and J. L. Thrower*

September 4, 1908

G. C. Underwood is the proudest man in north Seymour. It’s a girl and of course, is the finest one that ever happened.*

Word came Wednesday from Dundee that Mrs. Mary Rayborn nee Mary Helm had died there Tuesday night.  She was well known and esteemed here, and news of her death is heard with sorrow.  She had been married less than a year. *

Deep Creek - Tracy – Hayley Wedding

September 11, 1908

Three Deaths  - W. H. Gray, undertaker at West Texas Supply Company, states that there were three coffins sent out Monday morning.  One was for T. W. Hall’s mother at Vera.  She was a very old lady and died of old age as much as anything else.  Another was for a child of J. R. Irving’s at Vera that died of Boll hives.  The other was for a young man by the name of Cameron who died six miles east of town.  He was from Corsicana and had consumption.  His father was with him when he died. *

It’s a girl at Pink Haggard’s house. The young lady arrived last week and she and her mother are doing just fine. *

Ample - Proffitt –Ussery Wedding

Ample - Death of the infant of Mr. and Mrs. Brint McFarland

Lively - The death angel visited our community Sunday night and took from our little band Mr. Bartley.  He had only been here a short time. He came out here from Parker County for his health.  We all can sympathize with those who have lost loved ones.*

September 18, 1908

Wharton – Gray Wedding

Taylor – Ferrier Wedding

New Arrivals - Quite a number of new citizens have come into our town recently which very perceptibly augments our population.  The first was a boy and arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Britton.  Another big fine boy is stopping with Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Spears since the 9th.  Saturday a young man came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo A. P. Dickson, and will promptly interfere with the Judge’s decisions.  Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Richmond are boasting of a new boy since Sunday.  On Monday the stork brought two youngsters, a boy for Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lundsford and a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Vernon. *

Frances Maurine, baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Head died.

Lively - Mr. and Mrs. Trust are the happy parents of a fine baby girl.  Mother and little daughter are doing fine. *

September 25, 1908

Jim Williams of Benjamin died

Orville Wright had an accident the other day with his airship in Washington.  He was badly hurt, and the man with him was killed. It will be some time before timid ladies will be willing to ride in the air. *

New Subscribers (I will list names. Information about previous homes, jobs, parents, and siblings is sometimes in this section. Frequently, a Baylor resident is sending the paper to a relative in another town. I will look these up upon request.) V. B. Butcher, Miss Annie Ola Hollman, W. A. Wheat, J. R. Key, Fred Bratcher, H. Lytle Johnson, J. A. Green, D. F. Herman, Mrs. J. S. Scott, R. R. Marek, Mrs. Nelle, L. M. Baldwin, C. D. Allen, F. W. Neuenachwander,  I. B. Alexander, J. N. Nixon, W. Meinzer, H. M. Sloan, Chas. S. Humphries, W. R. Parker, M. F. Slaughter, Mrs. Dodson

Mrs. Jim Farek, of Bomarton, died.

Seaborn - Since we last wrote, there has been a quiet home wedding when Mr. Marvin Mills and Miss Ola Mills were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Bro. Burks officiating.*

October 2, 1908

Powell Burnett, star pitcher for the Dallas League, son of Dr. T. F. Burnett of Seymour, married Miss Nora Jackson in Tennessee.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taliaferro on Hash Knife ranch are the proud parents of a fine boy since the 23rd.*

Cache Creek - Latham – House Wedding

Shady - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morgan last Wednesday night, a fine girl.*

Mary’s Creek - Death  of Mrs. Jim Farek

Deep Creek - The death of Grandpa Shumake

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Penson, the severe burring of which was mentioned last week, died Thursday night and was buried Friday afternoon. *

Lively - Death of Beulah Penson

Lively - Drake – Birdwell wedding

October 9, 1908

H. B Gleghorn returned  Wednesday from a trip to New Mexico.  He says things are all right there. *

Truss – Kerby wedding

October 16, 1908


W.P. Edwards of Goree and Miss Dollie Shumate of Red Springs were married last Sunday morning at 11o'clock. They were met in the road near Red Springs by the Rev. J. B. Hooser who united them in marriage.  They came to Seymour that evening to take the train and got left on purpose, so says a reporter, and went up on the night train.  Miss Dollie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Shumate of Red Springs and has lived for a good many years in this country. She is a lady of superior qualities and will make Mr. Edwards a good helpmeet {should this be helpmate}. Mr. Edwards was one time a resident of this county but has moved to Goree and is one of the principal merchants of that city. The BANNER wishes well for them.

Four of our young men have conceived the notion of entering into the service of Uncle Sam.  Herschel High, Henry Word, Clayton Thomas, and Charlie Shelton left last week for Dallas to enroll in the Navy.  It is reported that Herschel failed to pass all the requirements, but he has not yet returned.  These young fellows will make good navy men, but we regret to lose them from our town. *

Lively - Mr. and Mrs. Milinta are the proud parents of a fine baby boy. *

October 23, 1908

Carl Williamson’s mother died at Shelbina, MO

Edwards – Jordan  Wedding  took place in Dublin

Mrs. J. D. Blanks and children returned Friday from an extended visit to her parents near San Antonio.  She also saw the fair there. *

Eubank – Jones Wedding

New Subscribers (I will list names. Information about previous homes, jobs, parents, and siblings is sometimes in this section. Frequently, a Baylor resident is sending the paper to a relative in another town. I will look these up upon request.)  J. E. Barton, J. S. Gore, C. C. Wharton, B. M. Parker, J. W. Hendrick, P. B. Taylor, A. C. McLarty, L. O. Warton, C. H. Webb,  Taylor Hamby, W. E. Bailes, J. T. Benham,  J. O. Everett, R. F. Johnson, J. W. Hamlin, W. H. Mann, Jack St.Clair, Claude Parsons, T. H. Clark, C. C. Howell, E. H. Stubblefield, T. H. Sturdivant, Jno. Laza, J. H. Whitworgh, W. L. Ballew, John Crilek, E. A. Jones, T. C. Lowery,  Geo. Burton.  

Frank Robinson of Vera died on Sept. 27.

Gilliland - T. J. Yarborough received a telegram Saturday that his son, Dr. Ed Yarborough of Columbus, Texas, was shot and killed the night of the ninth.  This is the second death in this family in the last two months. *

October 30, 1908

Mrs. Bryant, mother of Mrs. J. C. Faubion, died

Dingler – Steen Wedding

Deep Creek - Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brown are the proud parents of a fine baby boy;*

Seaborn - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Webb on the 19th inst. A boy. *

November 6, 1908

Logan – Thomas Wedding

A new boy is reported at the home of J. T. Baldwin on W. E. Bailes place.  Mr. Baldwin’s father says mother and child are doing well, but they think they will have to get the doctor again for J. T. *

Ample - Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thomas are the happy parents of a fine girl since the 12th. *

Red Springs - Finney – Stafford Wedding

Deep Creek - A fine baby girl at John McKinzey’s. *

Plainview - We have two new arrivals in our neighborhood – a little daughter at the home of Mr. Settles and a fine boy at Mr. Baldwin’s *

November 13, 1908

Death of Zadie McKinney

Election Returns - Baylor County – 600 votes for Democrats, 53 Republicans, and 34 for the socialists

New Subscribers (I will list names. Information about previous homes, jobs, parents, and siblings is sometimes in this section. Frequently, a Baylor resident is sending the paper to a relative in another town. I will look these up upon request.)  Paul Randal, a. F. Jordan, Mrs. J. A. Shawver, W. H. Gibbs,  J. W. Hamlin, G. W. Welch, J. H. Mitchell, W. H. Mann,  W. H. Milam, J. T. Benham, L. D. Prayton

Cache Creek - There is a young man at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Franklin.  He is a fine-looking baby and has already developed his lungs to a remarkable degrees.  His vitality is so great that he will brave the cold of any night to make George walk the floor with him. *

November 20, 1908

An old resident of Round Timber, Mr. Deal, was brought in last week from the plains and buried there. The remains were accompanied by his wife, Lee Richeson, and a brother from North Carolina *

Bessie Brown and Lee Harris were married

November 27, 1908

Bailes – Stevens Wedding

Louis Pankonin died

December 4, 1908

New Subscribers (I will list names. Information about previous homes, jobs, parents, and siblings is sometimes in this section. Frequently, a Baylor resident is sending the paper to a relative in another town. I will look these up upon request.)   W. H. Rhody, W. W. Hill, J. A. Clark, E. A. Haynes, R. H. Godfrey, J. L. Brigman, J. C. Stevens, I.C. Heartsill,  Thomas Zvanovec, Lee Harris

Lost – Handbag with trunk check, some money, and accident policy with the name of Mrs. Vickers.  Lost November 25.    D. T. Gleghorn*

Cache Creek - Death of Mrs. Varonika Dujka

A new boy is reported at the home of M. and Mrs. T. A. Williams of Richland.  The young gentleman showed up in this mundane sphere Sunday morning. *

The little infant of Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Holmes was buried Monday evening at Cache Creek.  Our heartfelt sympathies are with the bereaved parents.*
December 18, 1908

King – Harrison Wedding will occur on Christmas Eve

Bomarton News - Mrs. Chas. Haskins died, lived in Lake Creek

Bomarton - Macha – Jeter Wedding

Round Timber - Elam – Allison Wedding

Levelview - Miss Belle Gleghorn visited Miss Annie Samsill last Sunday.

The death of 20-month-old Dena Andis.
December 25, 1908

Letters to Santa Claus from
Verl Pate
Sterling Bray
Orlander Pate
Martha Sumbera
Annie Sumbera
Lois Smith
Anna Savage
Joebaby Pate
Oneato Pate
Donnell Dickson
Jim Chambers
Pearl Thomas
Pink Thomas
Vera Storrs
Onie Brown
Eunice Deaver
Zelma Deaver
Add Ratliff
Gwendal Moore
Gladys England
Berwyn Donnell
Ruby Thomas
Leta Deaver

Holmes – McWhorter Wedding

Mr. J. C. Waller from the north part of town reports a six-and-a-half pound girl at his house since Monday night.  He says it was a Christmas present.*

If you want to know more about the families I research, click here to like my Facebook page, where you will see each post and other genealogical finds. 
© 2023 

Baylor County Banner issues from the year 1908, microfilm images, The Baylor County Banner (Seymour, Texas), 1908. Microfilm titled "Baylor County Banner Jan 04, 1907 thru Dec 25, 1908."  accessed from the privately held collection of D.B. Quinn.

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