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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Family notes from the Baylor County Banner, Baylor County, Texas - 1907

This obituary was found in the July 19, 1907 issue. 

The following 1907 excerpts were found in Baylor County Banner issues on a reel of microfilm labeled "Baylor County Banner Jan 04, 1907, thru Dec 25, 1908." Some newspaper issues were missing pages or parts of pages. All marriages, births, and deaths found were recorded on my web pages almost twenty years ago. 

Those web pages have not been updated since about 2012 but can still be found at my Rootsweb Freepages site. However, Ancestry, who now owns Rootsweb, is retiring the pages in 2024, and when returned, they will be static (I will not be able to make changes). Just in case the pages get lost, I am adding the content to this blog.

An asterisk * indicates that all of the information from the article is included in the notes below. 

If an article cannot be seen online and you would like to see the entire article, I will take a photo of the microfilmed article. To request this, please comment below this post, or comment on my Facebook page, or send me an email (go to the "About Me" tab at the top of this page). 

The 1907 issues seen in this post as well as many other issues from that year, can be viewed at NewspaperArchives. However, you must have a paid subscription. The 1907 issues are not found at The Portal to Texas History

January 7, 1907

Oscar Young and Zerelda Taylor

Cora Burnett and W. E. Palmer

J. C. Whitehead and Ona Reeves

       On last Sunday afternoon at the Baptist parsonage, Mr. T. Lawson and Miss M. M. Lee were united in marriage by Rev. J. W. Brice.  The young couple were accompanied by a great crowd of their friends who came to see them make a start on the matrimonial sea.  They were married in the buggy and returned at once to their home at Richland.
       Mr. Lawson is the son of I. Lawson who lives northwest of town.  He is well known in that community as a young {sic - word 'man' missing here} of integrity and industry and well calculated to make a good home for his wife.  Miss Lee is the daughter of Russell Lee of Richland.  She was raised in that part of the country and has the esteem of all who know her.  The BANNER wishes them a long and happy life.                               {transcribed by Jeanette Simkins}


Jan 18, 1907

John Saunders died

Henry Franklin married Lou Clayton

Mrs. J. T. Wilson who recently moved to Baylor from Brazos died January 1.

The dog tags are now ready, and henceforth, I am required by law to apprehend and shoot all dogs not wearing one.  Jno. B. Self, Marshall *

Jennie McIntyre married a Mr. Robinson in Holly, Colorado

Ad for Mrs. Wallers Picture Gallery

January 25, 1907

Ad for J. M. Page Secondhand store contains a picture of J. M. Page

Burnett – Palmer wedding announcement [very long]

Miss Varner and J. J. Wells were married

Feb. 1, 1907

Francher – Caldwell wedding [long announcement]

F. M Sessions died

Annette Belleros is born

Rice–White marriage

February 15, 1907

Obituary for Cynthia Patience Ripstein [nee Harvey]

Brief mention of the death of J. M. Sessions

With the Subscribers
T. A. Cox has been living seven miles west of town for five or six years and concludes that he wants a Banner of his own. *

A strong fence has been put up on the north and west sides of the square so that henceforth there will be no excuse for leaving horses untied on the streets.*

February 22, 1907

Latest fad – Have your picture made on a postcard at Waller Studio*

March 1, 1907

Dr. W. L. Gains married Miss Blanche Price

Miss Mayme Harris died at age 23.  Died in KY but remains removed to Baylor. She was the sister of Mrs. Pistole.

March 8, 1907

Compliment to Virginian

                Dr. J. Mortimer Lynch, a rising young Virginia doctor, has been appointed assistant surgeon at the national Soldiers’ Home at Hampton. Dr. Lynch is a native of Petersberg, but moved at an early age to Texas.  He later attended the High School at Washington, and from there went to Hampden-Sydney College.  He graduated at George Washington University in 1905.  His many friends in the city and state will be delighted to hear of his promotion.- News Leader. Dr. Lynch is a son of our old friend John H. Lynch, a former business man of Seymour, and is well remembered by the younger generation of the community, many of whom were intimate associates.  He resided here several years, attending our public schools, and was regarded as a young man of great promise.  His young friends here are specially pleased to know that he is fulfilling their expectations and are proud of the marked distinction he has achieved. *

Mr. Kelly and Miss Leona McNeill were married.

Miss Nell Miller, formerly of Round Timber, was married at Clarendon on Feb. 20 to Mr. Graves of Ryan I.T. *

March 15, 1907

Mr. C. A. Man, of Tennessee, who works at the Commercial Hotel and Miss Ernest Edwards, of Mississippi, were married at the courthouse some 2 or 3 weeks ago. * 

Mrs. M. A. Guinn’s mother, Mary Bowers, died.

March 22, 1907

 A son born to Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bowman

 Died, Lelia Jameson, age 2

March 29, 1907

Died. – Sunday, March 17th, at the family home near Vera, Sarah Ella, the 9-month-old daughter of  Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McGaughey. *

B. S. Laurent returned last week from Fannin County, where he had been to attend the funeral of his father.  His father was 82 years old. *

A Calico Carnival will take place at the Christian Church.  All ladies will wear a Calico Garment and men will wear Calico ties.

Bennie, the 14-year-old son of W. Kennedy, died.

Taylor Hamby and Mabel Sanders were married.

April 5, 1907

Mr. Lewis Brown and Miss Georgia White were married.

April 13, 1907

Mr. R. E. Bryan has sold his farm of 140 acres five miles northwest of town to J. C. Arden, of Clarendon, for a consideration of $33 per acre.  Mr. Arden has already moved here and takes possession at once. This is known as the Cap Carter place and is a very fine piece of land.  Mr. Bryan bought it a year ago last fall and paid $20 an acre for it.  He will prospect around awhile and probably eventually buy here again.

For Sale    I have sold my farm and shall dispose of my live stock.  I have four mules, two milch cows, hogs, chickens, turkeys, and guineas.  Also have good set of farming tools.  For cash or on time.  Call at P. A. Hairstons, one mile east of Level View Church. 27-28         R. E. Bryan

Jno. R. Henson is adding two rooms to his residence near the Baptist church and otherwise improving the looks of it. 

April 26, 1907

Obituary – Mrs. Pauline Lee (nee Ware), wife of G. A. Lee

Obituary – little Curtis Hill son of  Mr. and  Mrs. Curtis Lee

S. C. Lee and Roy Henson have bought a half block from John W. Knox in the west part of town and will at once begin to erect thereon two nice residences.  This is a pretty part of town, and when it is covered all over with pretty residences, it will look much better.  Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Henson and two daughters left Wednesday for Mineral Wells to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Smith, to stay until the building operations are finished.

Red Springs   
Miss Ollie Hammett has been right sick with the measles. We are glad that she is much better.

May 3, 1907

New Subscribers- J. C. Arden is here from Clarendon and is the man who bought R. E. Bryan’s place northwest of town.

13-year-old Frank Sessions died

Miss Pearl Frances and Benjamin King are to be married.

Mrs.  H. Hawkins died.

Mr. Watts has his new residence near completion and will soon be domiciled in it.

May 10, 1907

Mrs. Branham (nee Mitchell) is dead.

James / Jimmie Dalawarr  died

J. D. Blanks, brother of Al Blanks of this place, was here for two days this week.  He has sold out his barber shop at Denton and is making a tour of this country in search of another location. 

May 17, 1907

The wedding of Pearl Frances and Benjamin King

More about the death of Mrs. Branham

Dr. L.  T. Wilson died in El Paso.

Mrs. J. A. Stevenson died.

May 24, 1907

Death of P. S. McLarty

Mrs. B. F. Carroll died

Clyde Burnett married Florence Driver

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Guv Shipley on the 5th day of this month, an 8-pound boy.  Grandpa and Grandma Franklin are very proud of their grandson.  Mrs. Shipley of Erath County is up visiting her son and friends. *

May 31, 1907

Rates Seymour to Jamestown - On sale daily, May 24th to Nov. 20th, 1907.  Rate $41.35. Limit for continuous passage in each direction to leave Norfolk 15 days from the date of sale.   

Column A -$52.40

Column B - $72.70

Column C - $ 60.60

Note: This must have been to visit the Jamestown Exposition in 1907, which took place on what is now the Naval Amphibious Base in Norfolk, Virginia.

A crowd left Sunday for the Jamestown Exposition, composed of the following:  Jim Bussell of this place, Judge J. H. Milam, At. Stephens and wife and Mrs. Blanche Alexander, of Benjamin; and Uncle Geo. Reeves of Munday.  They will be gone about three weeks. *

More about the death of Jimmie Dalawarr

John R. Henson has completed the improvements on his house.  They cost about $1000.*

June 7, 1907

Mary Francher married Albert Brice

Jim Bussell returned Wed. from the Jamestown Exposition.  The Knox County party also returned with the exception of Judge Maddox.  Jim says they met the naval part of the show before they got there, and after taking in Washington City, there was not very much to see at Jamestown.  Consequently, they only stayed two days. *

J. D. Blanks brother of A. J. Blanks of our town, arrived with his family last week from Denton.  He has sold his barber shop there and is going into the same business here. He will be located in the basement of the Farmers National Bank building and will put in a four-chair shop.  Mr. Blanks has the reputation of being a pretty smooth Barber and will no doubt do a nice business.  His fixtures are already here, and he will be ready to open up in a short time. *

S. S. Birdwell died

Mabel Ford married John A. Sissom

Mr. Walkup died

Viola Siddens married Alfonso Jourdan

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan are moving to Big Springs. We regret very much to see them leave but wish them great success in their new home.

June 14,1907

Married on May 22, 1907, in Floyd, NM  - Mabel Ford to John A. Sissom, a native of TN

Died {torn}Walkup, wife of Mr. C. Walkup

From the Deep Creek Community -Died- Mona Pearl Stevenson, two year old daughter of J. A. Stephenson – fell in a hole and drowned.  Mother died earlier this year

From the Level View Community - Mr. and Mrs. Bryan have moved to Big Springs. We regret very much to see them leave, but wish them great success in their new home. *

June 21, 1907

Will McKinney married to Mae Flint  [could be Mae Hunt]

Died – the two-year-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sanders, who live on Joe Cox’s place in Level View.

June 28, 1907

New Barber Shop - I will open my barber shop to the public Saturday morning, June 20th in the basement of the Farmers National bank building.  I will have the neatest kind of shop with the best equipment—four chairs, water connection, etc. I have had long experience in the business and believe I can fix you up in a way that will suit you.  Call and try me.  Yours for business-J. D. Blanks *

Albert Sidney Brice married May Alma Fancher

July 3, 1907

Marriage of Miss Fannie Franklin and Mr. E. L. Wehrheim

A ten-pound boy born to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sams on June 22.*

The baby of Herbert Garret died

July 12, 1907

Judge Laney C. Hargett died

Rupe – Mills wedding

Death of Sallie Merk Holman  Roberts died in Seattle, WA  - Granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cummins and niece of Mrs. Judge Glasgow

Miss Taylor of  Vernon is visiting her uncle Mr. Erath, accompanied by her grandmother, Mrs. Parks. *

The stork visited Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Jamison last Sunday evening and made another home happy by leaving them a sweet little girl, which is an honor to any home.*

July 19, 1907

The new Christian Church Building was completed on Feb. 1, 1907, at a cost of seven thousand dollars.  It seats 450 below and 200 on the balcony.  A picture was included.

Mrs. Minnie Harrison, sister of J. H. and Geo. McCaieb married Bob Gatlin, a druggist in Talico.

Patients in advanced stages of consumption will henceforth be debarred from entering the state.

Jim Lee went fishing the other day and built a fire to keep off the mosquitos.  He laid down and went to sleep, waking up to find that all his clothes and all the bedclothes had burned up.  Jim was evidently too green to burn. *

E. A. Sturges, of Garland in Dallas County, stopped oven in Seymour on his prospecting tour.  Mr. Sturges is seven feet tall and weighs 335 pounds. He is not fat either, just straight-old big. He made Bill Francis feel ashamed of himself, and Bill thought he was a pretty good-sized man. *

Allie Lowry, dau. of  W. H. Elkins,  died after giving birth to twins

Death of Mr. W. I. Davis

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kruse early Monday morning, a fine nine-pound girl.  Mother and child doing well *

R. R. Tugwell, father of Mrs. J. A. Richardson, died in Dallas

There is a disabled automobile sheltered on the porch of Mr. Johnson’s vacant house in Round Timber, and some of us hayseeds have, for the first time in our lives, seen with our own eyes, a really, truly horseless carriage. *

July 26, 1907

Mr. M. S. Charles died

Born:  On Wednesday an eight-pound boy to Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Tolson.  It is their first, and Rupert is hiding out to keep from being called “papa.”  *

August 2, 1907

Shorty Hanes and Hattie May King were married.

Miss Bessie Atkins was married in Hamlin.

W. H. Nichols married Qma Theresa Taylor.

August 9, 1907

Mrs. Spinks of Vera died.

Mr. T. W. Muse of Vera was killed by a horse.

Bessie Mae Adkins married Mr. Oscar Owen.

Bob Goree married Miss Sarah Thomason.

Joe Arthur’s little girl died last week of diptheria

August 16, 1907 

Bro. L. A. Donnell reports the arrival of a fine girl at his house Wednesday morning.  But the little miss is an heir of Mr. and Mrs. Wirt Word who make their home with these good people *

Miss Beatrice Moore of Hamlin and Miss Vene Norton of Graham visited Mrs. J. D. Blanks last week.*

Stella Edwards married J.O Pitman.

Lou Lewis married J. T. Lively.

Earnest Sanders was killed in an accident.

August 30, 1907

Roy Henson is having constructed a magnificent residence in the northwest part.  It is a two-story house with all the conveniences that a good wife could want. *

John A. Hardin married Ana Tugwell

Wife of Judge R. L. Patterson, daughter of Uncle John Lee

Card of thanks from W. P. Rampy – the death of his wife

Lloyd Henson the nine-year-old son of John R. Henson, had the misfortune Tuesday evening to fall and break his arm.  He and some other boys were climbing trees in front of the house when Lloyd fell out of one with the above-mentioned consequences.  The arm was broken between the elbow and wrist, and while the hurt is not a serious one, it will take good care to heal it up.*

Card of thanks from Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ellison upon the death of their child, Georgia.

Obituary for Mrs. W. P. Rampy

Resolution of Respect from the Vera Auxiliary for Mrs. J. A. Spinks

Mrs. L. I. Cox died after childbirth.

Georgia Ellison, youngest of 13 children of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ellison, is buried in Henson Cemetery.

Floyd Malone married Miss Myrtle Holmes.

Mr. and Mrs. Mathison were made happy on July 23 by the arrival of a fine girl. *

News was received some weeks ago that Cora, daughter of Jim Dockery, who formerly lived near Coyote, died at some point in the Territory.  Miss Cora had relatives and many friends here who deeply sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Dockery in the loss of their daughter. *

Amund Ilsing, the father of P.G. Ilsing, died – born in Norway in 1838 and came to America in 1868.

Mr. Will Henson has a nice residence on the same side of the street the dry goods store is on, almost ready for occupation.  Mr. Henson lately got married.  Miss Laura Hughes was the young lady who cast her future into Will’s keeping, and we predict for them a smooth matrimony’s sea.*

 John Braden died on Aug. 18.

September 6, 1907

Miss Verda Kenan left Monday for Staunton, Va., where she goes to attend Mary Baldwin College.*

Hattie Mayo married Lige Adkins.

O. M. Love and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Head returned Saturday from their summer outing. They spent a good part of the time at Hamilton, Va., where Mr. Love’s people live.  From there, they went to Washington several times, went down the James River to Norfolk to see the Exposition, took in New York, Niagara Falls, Chicago, Detroit, and other points of interest.  The climate is not so severe in those parts, and they report having had a mighty fine time.  Gary especially gained a good many pounds in weight. *

The death of Mrs. Al Mann was reported. 

September 13, 1907

Jno. Coil led the movement for sidewalks in Seymour.

Card of thanks – death of Josef Jerabek.

Infant James Leonard, son of J. C. Beasley, died.

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ellis died from inflammation of the brain.

Sad Accident- Accidental death of  Josef Jerabek

Mr. and Mrs. McDonald are the proud parents of a fine boy. *

Mrs. Johnnie Braden has a new girl.*

Mr. and Mrs. Morrow have a little Miss who came two weeks ago to make her home with them.*

Fannie Lee Westbrook married Ben Lee.

Levelview – Mr. and Mrs. Hairston have gone to Big Springs to visit friends. *

Miss Macy Turner married Richard Parks.

September 20, 1907

Ward Baker and Etta Smith were married.

Miss Ollie White and Walter Power were married.

Miss Grace Albright and Mr. Ad Lee were married.

Obituary- Anna Gwinn Ellis, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ellis

October 4, 1907

Guy Gillespie was sentenced to 15 years for killing his father on the streets of Seymour on April 7, 1906.

W. R. K. Roberts married Miss Jennie Prence.

Miss Minnie Lonon, age 19, died.

October 11, 1907

Esca Harrison married Pearl Turrentine.

Card of thanks from the family of Ernest Sanders.

Chauncy C. Davis married Julia Cabler.

Miss Frankie Dudley married Ben Ingham.

Levelview – The Stork paid Mr. and Mrs. Chess Rodgers a visit on the 28th inst. And left in their care a baby boy. *

Levelview – Mr. and Mrs. Hairston have returned home from Big Springs, where they went to visit their daughter Mrs. Bryan.  Mr. Hairston is talking of renting his place and moving down there to live. *

Ogden – Miss Lucy Erath left Tuesday with her father for Dallas, where he will be put under treatment for his eye, which was injured a few weeks past by a chip striking it.  It is hoped that he will not lose his eye and will be able to return soon.*

October 18, 1907

Rev. J. W. Chalk of Pilot Point died October 10, father of Mrs. G. McClusky of Seymour.

Death of 18-month-old boy – child of Mr. and Mrs. Dykes (might be G. W. Dykes – paper was creased).

I have a span of splendid workhorses for sale. Both animals are gentle. . . Call at my shop under Farmer’s National Bank  J. D. Blanks*

October 25, 1907

Mrs. J. D. Blanks and children left Sunday for Dallas to see the fair.  While gone they will visit their old home in Denton County.*

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Geo Ellis Thursday night, October 17, a boy.  He was christened soon thereafter Dudley Branham Ellis.  Mother, son, and George all doing nicely. *

Teddy has at last killed his bear.  10,000 papers will chronicle this fact to an admiring populace, whereas if you or I killed a bear, nothing would have been said about it.

Polite Attention - Prompt Service - Blanks’ Barber Shop, J. D. Blanks prop. - Everything neat and clean, only first class workmen employed. - Ladie’s work a specialty - Basement Farmers National Bank - Telephone 42 - Seymour, Texas

Level View Community - The stork has made its appearance again and left in care of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Chapman, a daughter and also Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Collin, a daughter. *

Shady community - Death of baby of Mr. and Mrs. Dykes

Death of a child that was reported sick at Mrs. Hines.

November 1, 1907

From Wise County - Earle Z. Simmons married Ethel Byrom.

Mrs. Ward Humphries died in Hulet, Wyoming.

Mrs. J. D. Blanks and children returned from Denton on Tuesday.

A.L. Chisholm returned from Moffitts, Florida where he had been to visit his brother.

N. B. Earl married Miss Ethel Byrom of Boyd.

Shady - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Millard Braswell, a boy.*

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jess Cassie baby – sex not known. *

November 8, 1907

Owen Hoover was shot accidentally. Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Hoover – card of thanks.

Mrs. Isabel Chesher died, a sister of Mrs. J. M. Parker.

Dan Cardwell, nephew of Mrs. W. L. Ellis, was married.

Mrs. H. D. Cope, mother of eleven children, died.

Mr. Benjamin F. Franklin of Quanah died. Father of Mrs. W. R. Martin and Mrs. D. H. Lynch.

Lonnie Spears returned last week from Goree, where he had been to attend the funeral of his brother’s baby.  His brother, W. T. Spears, lives a few miles southeast of that place. *

D. B. Denny and family and family of Roanoke, Mo., are new citizens of town and county. Are staying with J. H. Patterson, uncle of Mr. Denny. *

Sad accident – death of Owen Hoover.

Round Timber - Mrs. Cope was buried in the Round Timber Cemetery.

November 15, 1907

A fine girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hannus last Friday night.  All parties doing well.*

Mr. Joe Sumbera killed in an accident.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palmer Friday night, Nov. 8th, a baby girl.  Mother and daughter doing well, and Grandpa Burnett has also recovered. *

November 22, 1907

Mrs. Sherman Kleck, daughter of J. K. Chandler, died.

Turner – Donnell wedding.

November 29, 1907

Mrs. J. T. Hamby  died.

Carr – Lucus wedding announcement – will occur Dec 11,1907.

Mrs. W. W. Craker of Vera, died last Friday evening of heart failure and was buried Saturday at Vera. It was said that she lived here for about two years.  *

Seaton – Fuller wedding

Taylor – Foy wedding

Sidwell – Jones wedding in Seaborn.

December 6, 1907

The 15-month-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Tom King, who lived just west of town, died Sunday night and was buried Monday afternoon. It had some kind of lung trouble and [paper torn] well. *

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Moore celebrate their wooden wedding


December 13, 1907

Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Baskin Monday night, a fine nine-pound girl.  Parents are both duly proud, and the Banner office now boasts of “Uncle Taylor.”  *

New subscribers - T. S. Wigginton came here some two months ago from Erath County and will live the coming year on Prof. J. W. Hamilton’s place just a few miles west of town. *

Family Reunion – A. H. Jeter family

Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Melton last Thursday a ten-pound boy.  All parties doing well. *

Stevenson – Lawson wedding

England - Mrs. Johnny Nelson and girl are doing nicely.*

Mr. and Mrs. Seaf Duncan are the happy parents of a fine black-headed boy which arrived the 2nd. Seaf is all smiles. *

Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett have a fine girl*

Lively - J. C. Duncan and wife are rejoicing over a fine boy at their house *

Dec 20, 1907

Randal – Cooper  wedding

Double wedding  - King and Siddens   -  Cockerell and King  -   Sat in buggies while ceremonies held.

Proffitt – Wilmuth wedding – couple will move to Sanger, CA.

Carl Harrison married Fleddie Harrison.

Hurd – Sanders wedding

Lucas – Carr wedding

Letters to Santa – from Ross, John, and Pearl Thomas and also from Delta Lee.

Announcement of Robertson and Taliaferro marriage.

Helm – Rayborn wedding

Sanders – Dingler wedding

Lost – A large plain gold stick pin, initial F.  Think it was lost in the vicinity of Baptist church. Finder will be suitably rewarded by returning the same to J. D. Blanks.

Red Springs - Dec. 16 – Mr. Hammett moved to Richland Saturday. Sorry to give him up.

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© 2023 

Baylor County Banner issues from the year 1907, microfilm images, The Baylor County Banner (Seymour, Texas), 1907. Microfilm titled "Baylor County Banner Jan 04, 1907, thru Dec 25, 1908" accessed from the privately held collection of D.B. Quinn.

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